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Hernán Merlo
1 Long ago and far away (Ira Gershwin / Jerome Kern)
2 Emily (Johnny Mandel / Johnny Mercer)
3 I had not anyone till You (Ray Noble)
4 Younger than Spring (Richard Rodgers)
5 That certain feeling (George Gershwin / Ira Gershwin)
6 Close your eyes (Bernice Petkere)
7 You can call it madness I call it love (Gladys Dubois)
8 All or nothing at all (Arthur Altman)
9 The best thing for you (Would be me) (Irving Berlin)
10 Just one of those things (Cole Porter)
Jorge Navarro piano
Carlos Álvarez contrabajo
Eduardo Casalla batería
Fecha de edición: marzo de 2009
Jorge Navarro - Por todos estos años - CD
1 Long ago and far away (Ira Gershwin / Jerome Kern)
2 Emily (Johnny Mandel / Johnny Mercer)
3 I had not anyone till You (Ray Noble)
4 Younger than Spring (Richard Rodgers)
5 That certain feeling (George Gershwin / Ira Gershwin)
6 Close your eyes (Bernice Petkere)
7 You can call it madness I call it love (Gladys Dubois)
8 All or nothing at all (Arthur Altman)
9 The best thing for you (Would be me) (Irving Berlin)
10 Just one of those things (Cole Porter)
Jorge Navarro piano
Carlos Álvarez contrabajo
Eduardo Casalla batería
Fecha de edición: marzo de 2009
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