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Hernán Merlo
Partenope - Ópera en tre actos
Compositor: George Frideric Händel (1685 - 1759)
Libreto: Adaptación de autor desconocido, de su libreto original escrito en 1699 por Silvio Stampiglia
Estrenada en el King´s Theatre in London el 24 de febrero de 1730.
Overture 6:32
Act. 1
Scene 1
Tu dell´eccelse Mura (Thou to the lofty Walls) 0:41
Viva viva Partenope viva (Oh live Parthenope! Live Ages o´er) 1:19
Scene 2
Arsace (Arsaces) 1:21
Scene 3
Regina, in folte Schiere (Great Queen!) 0:41
L´ Amor ed il Destin (Both Love and Fate shall meet) 3:03
O Eurimene ha l´idea di Rosmira (Or Eurimines has Rosmira´s Air) 2:31
Scene 4
Cavalier, se gli Dei (Sir, if the Gods have not inclined your Thoughts) 1:19
Se non ti sai spiegar (If then you fear to speak) 4:02
Armindo ardisci e prova (Be resolute Armindo, and attempt) 0:15
Voglio dire al mio tesoro (Now to my lovely Fair I´ll fly) 4:49
Scene 5
Ah! Ch´ un volto fatal mi da gran pena! (What Pangs I suffer from a fatal Face!) 2:01
Un altra volta ancor (You promised, Faithless, once before) 2:48
Rosmira, oh! Dio! Rosmira (Rosmira, Oh ye Gods! the fair Rosmira) 0:18
Sento Amor con novi Dardi (Love unrelenting, with a varied Dart) 5:39
Scene 6
Stan pronti i miei Guerrieri a stringer l´armi? (Are my brave Warriors now prepared for Battle?) 0:32
T´ appresta forse amore (Or Love perhaps may bid you arm) 4:09
Scene 7
Signora (My Queen) 1:20
Scene 8
E di che reo son Io? (And in what fatal Act have I offended?) Per te moro (For thee the Pangs of Death I prove) - Taci, bast 0:49
Scene 9
E se giunge Eurimene? (And what tho´ Eurimenes now approaches) 2:16
Sei mia gioja, sei mio bene (Thou art my Joy, in thee I´m blest) 3:29
I novelli amor tuoi (I´ve heard myself your new concerted Passion) azzo 0:27
Dimmi pietoso Ciel (Tell me, ye gracious Power, that rule the Sky) 4:23
Scene 10
Ecco Emilio (Behold Emilius) 2:04
Anch´ Io pugnar sapro (Now War shall all my Thoughts engage) 3:33
Scene 11
Arsace, tu sarai (To you, Arsaces, as my General) 1:07
Io ti levo l´ Impero dell´ Armi (Your Power in Arms I now control) Scene 12
Lascia deh! lascia, o Prence (Forbear, let me entreat you, Prince, forbear) 0:43
E figlio il mio timore (The Fears my throbbing Heart express) 3:23
Scene 13
Prence, di te mi lagno (Ah Prince! with Reason I reproach your Conduct) 0:39
Io seguo sol fiero (My Genius leads me to the Glades) 5:11
Act 2
Scene 1
Sinfonia 0:43
Forti mie Schiere, alla vicina Impresa (My martial Troops, to the approaching Combat) 0:23
Marche 1:00
Ma le nemiche Squadre (The hostile Squadrons) 0:26
Con valorosa mano (With a victorious Hand) 1:06
Soccorso (Assist me) 0:18
Sinfonia 0:42
Renditi, o pure estinto (Yield, or you die) 1:13
Vi circondi la Gloria d´ Allori (May Laurel grace your Brows sublime) 1:37
Scene 2
Contro un pudico Amor cotanto sdegno (And can such Scorn pursue my purest Passion) 0:48
Emilio) Lawrence Zazzo 4:51
Scene 3
Care Mura in si bel giorno (Ye pleasing Walls) 1:42
Emilio! (Emilius!) 2:36
Voglio amare insin ch´ Io moro (Till Death divides me from my Love) 6:23
Scene 4
Ti bramo Amico, e teco (My Soul is fond of thee, my Friend) 0:26
E vuoi con dure tempre (Arsace, Rosmira) Lawrence Zazzo 3:09
Scene 5
Non puo darsi in un petto (No Breast did ever sure contain before) 1:58
Furie son dell´Alma mia (Revenge and Rage and jealous Pain) 3:54
Scene 6
A pro di chi t´offese (And how can you imploy thes friendly Prayers) 1:15
Porterti dir vorrei (I wish, believe me, to impart) 4:03
Scene 7
Regina (My Queen) 1:16
Non chiedo o luci vaghe (Dear charming Eyes that pierced my Heart) 3:06
Piu d´ ogn´ altro sarebbe (I owe his Merit, and confess, that none) 0:18
Qual Farfalletta (Like the poor Wanton in the Night) 6:14
Scene 8
Cuanto Godo Eurimene (How do I joy to see my Eurimines) 1:04
Scene 9
Rosmira mia, mio bene! (O my Rosmira! my Soul´s better Part) 0:43
Furibondo spira il vento (The furious Blast resistless flies) azzo 4:25
Act 3
Scene 1
Sinfonia 0:39
Regina ti compiace (Is it your Will, great Queen) 0:41
Non e incauto il mio consiglio (I harbour no uncautious Thought) 1:36
Scene 2
Partenope, Eurimene (To you, Parthenope, see Eurimenes) 1:45
Arsace, oh Dio! cosi (This was Arsaces´ guilty Part) 1:05
Chi m´ apre i lumi, e che mi scioglie il Core? (What Power has undeceived me, and unchained My captive Heart?) 0:27
Spera e godi o mio Tesoro (Joys attend my dearest Treasure) 3:23
Scene 3
Prencipe ardir (Now, Prince, be resolute) 1:05
La Speme ti consoli (May pleasing Hope your Cares control) 4:21
Scene 4
Rosmira, ove ti guida (Where, my Rosmira, does thay Tyrant rage?) Ch´Io parta? si crudele (And must I, cruel Maid, depart?) 4:15
Oh Dio! perche dal petto (Oh Heavens! methinks I feel my struggling Heart) 0:23
Quel volto mi piace (His lovely Frame my Fancy charms) 3:06
Scene 5
Ormonte, ti destino (Ormontes, you I constitute the Judge) 0:51
Nobil Core, che ben ama (A noble Heart that fondly loves) 3:44
Scene 6
Non chiedo, oh miei tormenti! (I ask ye not, ye Woes I bear) o 0:34
Ma quai note di mesti lamenti (What Notes that mourn in such a solemn Sound) 2:50
Scene 7
Cieli che miro! abbandonato e solo (Heavens! What do I behold!) 0:49
Scene 8
Ma Partenope vien, finger degg´Io (Parthenope approaches, I must feign) 1:18
Un Cor infedele (The Heart whose Love was never true) (Partenope, 2:58
Passo di duolo in duolo (From Grief to Grief I make my fatal Progress) 0:12
Fatto e Amor un Dio d´Inferno (Tyrannick Love is justly made A God of the Infernal Shade) 3:02
Scene 9
Di bel Desire avvampo (I´m all impatient to defend Arsaces) 0:23
La Gloria in nobil alma (True Glory in a gallant Breast) 4:43
Scene 9
Last Scene: Regina, in queste arene (Great Queen) 3:44
Si scherza si (Love wantons with a double Flame) 4:04
Armindo sia mio Sposo (Armindo, I receive you for my Spouse) 0:29
D´Imeneo le belle Sede (May Hymen´s lovely Taper blaze) 1:36
Concerto Copenhagen
Lars Ulrik Mortensen dirección
Inger Dam-Jensen soprano (Partenope)
Andreas Scholl contratenor (Amindo)
Christophe Dumaux contratenor (Amindo)
Bo Kristian Jensen tenor (Emilio)
Tuva Semmingsen mezzo-soprano (Rosmira)
Palle Knudsen barítono (Ormonte)
Francisco Negrín director de escena
Duración: 187 minutos
Subtítulos: Inglés, frances, danés, alemán, español
Fecha de edición: 28 de octubre de 2009
Partenope - Handel - Inger Dam-Jensen / Andreas Scholl / Christophe Dumaux / Concerto Copenhagen / Lars Ulrik Mortensen - DVD
Partenope - Ópera en tre actos
Compositor: George Frideric Händel (1685 - 1759)
Libreto: Adaptación de autor desconocido, de su libreto original escrito en 1699 por Silvio Stampiglia
Estrenada en el King´s Theatre in London el 24 de febrero de 1730.
Overture 6:32
Act. 1
Scene 1
Tu dell´eccelse Mura (Thou to the lofty Walls) 0:41
Viva viva Partenope viva (Oh live Parthenope! Live Ages o´er) 1:19
Scene 2
Arsace (Arsaces) 1:21
Scene 3
Regina, in folte Schiere (Great Queen!) 0:41
L´ Amor ed il Destin (Both Love and Fate shall meet) 3:03
O Eurimene ha l´idea di Rosmira (Or Eurimines has Rosmira´s Air) 2:31
Scene 4
Cavalier, se gli Dei (Sir, if the Gods have not inclined your Thoughts) 1:19
Se non ti sai spiegar (If then you fear to speak) 4:02
Armindo ardisci e prova (Be resolute Armindo, and attempt) 0:15
Voglio dire al mio tesoro (Now to my lovely Fair I´ll fly) 4:49
Scene 5
Ah! Ch´ un volto fatal mi da gran pena! (What Pangs I suffer from a fatal Face!) 2:01
Un altra volta ancor (You promised, Faithless, once before) 2:48
Rosmira, oh! Dio! Rosmira (Rosmira, Oh ye Gods! the fair Rosmira) 0:18
Sento Amor con novi Dardi (Love unrelenting, with a varied Dart) 5:39
Scene 6
Stan pronti i miei Guerrieri a stringer l´armi? (Are my brave Warriors now prepared for Battle?) 0:32
T´ appresta forse amore (Or Love perhaps may bid you arm) 4:09
Scene 7
Signora (My Queen) 1:20
Scene 8
E di che reo son Io? (And in what fatal Act have I offended?) Per te moro (For thee the Pangs of Death I prove) - Taci, bast 0:49
Scene 9
E se giunge Eurimene? (And what tho´ Eurimenes now approaches) 2:16
Sei mia gioja, sei mio bene (Thou art my Joy, in thee I´m blest) 3:29
I novelli amor tuoi (I´ve heard myself your new concerted Passion) azzo 0:27
Dimmi pietoso Ciel (Tell me, ye gracious Power, that rule the Sky) 4:23
Scene 10
Ecco Emilio (Behold Emilius) 2:04
Anch´ Io pugnar sapro (Now War shall all my Thoughts engage) 3:33
Scene 11
Arsace, tu sarai (To you, Arsaces, as my General) 1:07
Io ti levo l´ Impero dell´ Armi (Your Power in Arms I now control) Scene 12
Lascia deh! lascia, o Prence (Forbear, let me entreat you, Prince, forbear) 0:43
E figlio il mio timore (The Fears my throbbing Heart express) 3:23
Scene 13
Prence, di te mi lagno (Ah Prince! with Reason I reproach your Conduct) 0:39
Io seguo sol fiero (My Genius leads me to the Glades) 5:11
Act 2
Scene 1
Sinfonia 0:43
Forti mie Schiere, alla vicina Impresa (My martial Troops, to the approaching Combat) 0:23
Marche 1:00
Ma le nemiche Squadre (The hostile Squadrons) 0:26
Con valorosa mano (With a victorious Hand) 1:06
Soccorso (Assist me) 0:18
Sinfonia 0:42
Renditi, o pure estinto (Yield, or you die) 1:13
Vi circondi la Gloria d´ Allori (May Laurel grace your Brows sublime) 1:37
Scene 2
Contro un pudico Amor cotanto sdegno (And can such Scorn pursue my purest Passion) 0:48
Emilio) Lawrence Zazzo 4:51
Scene 3
Care Mura in si bel giorno (Ye pleasing Walls) 1:42
Emilio! (Emilius!) 2:36
Voglio amare insin ch´ Io moro (Till Death divides me from my Love) 6:23
Scene 4
Ti bramo Amico, e teco (My Soul is fond of thee, my Friend) 0:26
E vuoi con dure tempre (Arsace, Rosmira) Lawrence Zazzo 3:09
Scene 5
Non puo darsi in un petto (No Breast did ever sure contain before) 1:58
Furie son dell´Alma mia (Revenge and Rage and jealous Pain) 3:54
Scene 6
A pro di chi t´offese (And how can you imploy thes friendly Prayers) 1:15
Porterti dir vorrei (I wish, believe me, to impart) 4:03
Scene 7
Regina (My Queen) 1:16
Non chiedo o luci vaghe (Dear charming Eyes that pierced my Heart) 3:06
Piu d´ ogn´ altro sarebbe (I owe his Merit, and confess, that none) 0:18
Qual Farfalletta (Like the poor Wanton in the Night) 6:14
Scene 8
Cuanto Godo Eurimene (How do I joy to see my Eurimines) 1:04
Scene 9
Rosmira mia, mio bene! (O my Rosmira! my Soul´s better Part) 0:43
Furibondo spira il vento (The furious Blast resistless flies) azzo 4:25
Act 3
Scene 1
Sinfonia 0:39
Regina ti compiace (Is it your Will, great Queen) 0:41
Non e incauto il mio consiglio (I harbour no uncautious Thought) 1:36
Scene 2
Partenope, Eurimene (To you, Parthenope, see Eurimenes) 1:45
Arsace, oh Dio! cosi (This was Arsaces´ guilty Part) 1:05
Chi m´ apre i lumi, e che mi scioglie il Core? (What Power has undeceived me, and unchained My captive Heart?) 0:27
Spera e godi o mio Tesoro (Joys attend my dearest Treasure) 3:23
Scene 3
Prencipe ardir (Now, Prince, be resolute) 1:05
La Speme ti consoli (May pleasing Hope your Cares control) 4:21
Scene 4
Rosmira, ove ti guida (Where, my Rosmira, does thay Tyrant rage?) Ch´Io parta? si crudele (And must I, cruel Maid, depart?) 4:15
Oh Dio! perche dal petto (Oh Heavens! methinks I feel my struggling Heart) 0:23
Quel volto mi piace (His lovely Frame my Fancy charms) 3:06
Scene 5
Ormonte, ti destino (Ormontes, you I constitute the Judge) 0:51
Nobil Core, che ben ama (A noble Heart that fondly loves) 3:44
Scene 6
Non chiedo, oh miei tormenti! (I ask ye not, ye Woes I bear) o 0:34
Ma quai note di mesti lamenti (What Notes that mourn in such a solemn Sound) 2:50
Scene 7
Cieli che miro! abbandonato e solo (Heavens! What do I behold!) 0:49
Scene 8
Ma Partenope vien, finger degg´Io (Parthenope approaches, I must feign) 1:18
Un Cor infedele (The Heart whose Love was never true) (Partenope, 2:58
Passo di duolo in duolo (From Grief to Grief I make my fatal Progress) 0:12
Fatto e Amor un Dio d´Inferno (Tyrannick Love is justly made A God of the Infernal Shade) 3:02
Scene 9
Di bel Desire avvampo (I´m all impatient to defend Arsaces) 0:23
La Gloria in nobil alma (True Glory in a gallant Breast) 4:43
Scene 9
Last Scene: Regina, in queste arene (Great Queen) 3:44
Si scherza si (Love wantons with a double Flame) 4:04
Armindo sia mio Sposo (Armindo, I receive you for my Spouse) 0:29
D´Imeneo le belle Sede (May Hymen´s lovely Taper blaze) 1:36
Concerto Copenhagen
Lars Ulrik Mortensen dirección
Inger Dam-Jensen soprano (Partenope)
Andreas Scholl contratenor (Amindo)
Christophe Dumaux contratenor (Amindo)
Bo Kristian Jensen tenor (Emilio)
Tuva Semmingsen mezzo-soprano (Rosmira)
Palle Knudsen barítono (Ormonte)
Francisco Negrín director de escena
Duración: 187 minutos
Subtítulos: Inglés, frances, danés, alemán, español
Fecha de edición: 28 de octubre de 2009
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