1 Regular John
2 Avon
3 If Only
4 Walkin on the sidewalks
5 You would know
6 The bronze
7 How to handle a rope
8 Mexicola
9 Hispanic impressions
10 You can’t quit me baby
11 These aren’t the droid you’re looking for
12 Give the mule what he wants
13 Spiders and vinegaroons
14 I was a teenage hand model

Queens of the Stone Age
Josh Homme voz, guitarra
Alfredo Hernández batería
Carlo Von Sexron (alias utilizado por Josh Homme) bajo, teclados, piano

Fecha de edición: 2011

Queens of the Stone Age - Queens of the Stone Age - CD

$6.98 USD
Queens of the Stone Age - Queens of the Stone Age - CD $6.98 USD
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Opciones de envío

  • Casa Mundus Moreno 1157 timbre "B", Monserrat, CABA - Argentina. - Lunes, martes y viernes de 10hs a 13hs. y miércoles y jueves de 11hs a 16hs

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1 Regular John
2 Avon
3 If Only
4 Walkin on the sidewalks
5 You would know
6 The bronze
7 How to handle a rope
8 Mexicola
9 Hispanic impressions
10 You can’t quit me baby
11 These aren’t the droid you’re looking for
12 Give the mule what he wants
13 Spiders and vinegaroons
14 I was a teenage hand model

Queens of the Stone Age
Josh Homme voz, guitarra
Alfredo Hernández batería
Carlo Von Sexron (alias utilizado por Josh Homme) bajo, teclados, piano

Fecha de edición: 2011