1 Falling in love again
2 You do something to me
3 Ich bin die feshe lola
4 You go to my head
5 Blonde woman
6 Peter
7 The boys in the back room
8 Hot voodoo
9 Wo ist der man
10 I´ve been in love before
11 Johnny
12 Give me the man
13 Moi je ménnuie
14 You´ve got that look
15 Assez
16 I gotta get a man

Marlene Dietrich voz

Marlene Dietrich - The Platinum Collection - CD

$12.89 USD
Marlene Dietrich - The Platinum Collection - CD $12.89 USD
Entregas para el CP:

Opciones de envío

  • Casa Mundus Moreno 1157 timbre "B", Monserrat, CABA - Argentina. - Lunes, martes y viernes de 10hs a 13hs. y miércoles y jueves de 11hs a 16hs

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1 Falling in love again
2 You do something to me
3 Ich bin die feshe lola
4 You go to my head
5 Blonde woman
6 Peter
7 The boys in the back room
8 Hot voodoo
9 Wo ist der man
10 I´ve been in love before
11 Johnny
12 Give me the man
13 Moi je ménnuie
14 You´ve got that look
15 Assez
16 I gotta get a man

Marlene Dietrich voz