Judas Maccabaeus HWV 63 / Part 1
1 I feel the Deity within... Arm, arm ye brave 1:07
2 Arm, arm ye brave 3:25
3 Te Deum in D, ¨Dettingen¨, HWV 283 - Vouchsafe, O Lord 2:17
4 Samson HWV 57 / Act 2 - Honour and arms scorn such a foe 5:51
5 Berenice - Si, tra i ceppi 4:17
6 Alcina / Act 2 - Verdi prati, selve amene 3:51

Orlando, HWV 31
7 O voi, del mio poter 1:14
8 Sorge infausta una procella 4:39

Acis and Galatea / Act 2
9 ¨I rage, I melt, I burn!¨ 1:27
10 ¨O ruddier than the cherry¨ 3:01
11 Semele HWV 58 / Act 2 - Where´er you walk 4:37
12 Alexander´s Feast / Part 2 - ¨Revenge, revenge, Timotheus cries¨ - ¨Behold, a ghastly band¨ 7:18
13 Giulio Cesare / Act 1 - Va tacito e nascosto 6:16

Serse / Act 1
14 Rec. ¨Frondi tenere e belle¨ 0:46
15 Ombra mai fù 3:03

16 Thus saith the Lord 1:30
17 But who may abide the day of His coming 4:20
18 Why do the nations 4:54
19 Behold I tell you 0:36
20 The trumpet shall sound 8:51

Compositor: Georg Friedrich Händel (1685 - 1759)

Bryan Terfel bajo-barítono
Scottish Chamber orchestra
Sir Charles Mackerras dirección

Fecha de edición: 14 de octubre de 1997

Bryn Terfel - Handel - Arias - CD

$49.98 USD
Bryn Terfel - Handel - Arias - CD $49.98 USD
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  • Casa Mundus Moreno 1157 timbre "B", Monserrat, CABA - Argentina. - Lunes, martes y viernes de 10hs a 13hs. y miércoles y jueves de 11hs a 16hs

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Judas Maccabaeus HWV 63 / Part 1
1 I feel the Deity within... Arm, arm ye brave 1:07
2 Arm, arm ye brave 3:25
3 Te Deum in D, ¨Dettingen¨, HWV 283 - Vouchsafe, O Lord 2:17
4 Samson HWV 57 / Act 2 - Honour and arms scorn such a foe 5:51
5 Berenice - Si, tra i ceppi 4:17
6 Alcina / Act 2 - Verdi prati, selve amene 3:51

Orlando, HWV 31
7 O voi, del mio poter 1:14
8 Sorge infausta una procella 4:39

Acis and Galatea / Act 2
9 ¨I rage, I melt, I burn!¨ 1:27
10 ¨O ruddier than the cherry¨ 3:01
11 Semele HWV 58 / Act 2 - Where´er you walk 4:37
12 Alexander´s Feast / Part 2 - ¨Revenge, revenge, Timotheus cries¨ - ¨Behold, a ghastly band¨ 7:18
13 Giulio Cesare / Act 1 - Va tacito e nascosto 6:16

Serse / Act 1
14 Rec. ¨Frondi tenere e belle¨ 0:46
15 Ombra mai fù 3:03

16 Thus saith the Lord 1:30
17 But who may abide the day of His coming 4:20
18 Why do the nations 4:54
19 Behold I tell you 0:36
20 The trumpet shall sound 8:51

Compositor: Georg Friedrich Händel (1685 - 1759)

Bryan Terfel bajo-barítono
Scottish Chamber orchestra
Sir Charles Mackerras dirección

Fecha de edición: 14 de octubre de 1997