Disc 1: CD
1 Got The Blues
2 Mistreated Woman
3 B.B. Boogie
4 The Other Night Blues
5 Walkin' And Cryin'
6 A New Way Of Driving
7 Please Love Me
8 From The Bottom
9 Every Day I Have The Blues
10 You Done Lost Your Good Thing Now
11 Mr. Pawnbroker
12 My Own Fault, Darling
13 Catfish Blues (aka Fishin' After Me)
14 Long Nights (The Feeling They Call The Blues)
15 That Evil Child
16 I Got Some Help (I Don't Really Need) (aka Outside Help)
17 The Thrill Is Gone
18 Guess Who?

Disc 2: DVD
Sing Sing Thanksgiving - The Documentary Of B.B. King's Legendary 1972 Thanksgiving Concert At Sing Sing Prison

B.B.King voz, guitarra

Fecha de edición: abril de 2016

B. B. King - The Blues Anthology (CD + DVD)

$85.98 USD
B. B. King - The Blues Anthology (CD + DVD) $85.98 USD
Entregas para el CP:

Opciones de envío

  • Casa Mundus Moreno 1157 timbre "B", Monserrat, CABA - Argentina. - Lunes, martes y viernes de 10hs a 13hs. y miércoles y jueves de 11hs a 16hs

Compra protegida
Tus datos cuidados durante toda la compra.
Cambios y devoluciones
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Disc 1: CD
1 Got The Blues
2 Mistreated Woman
3 B.B. Boogie
4 The Other Night Blues
5 Walkin' And Cryin'
6 A New Way Of Driving
7 Please Love Me
8 From The Bottom
9 Every Day I Have The Blues
10 You Done Lost Your Good Thing Now
11 Mr. Pawnbroker
12 My Own Fault, Darling
13 Catfish Blues (aka Fishin' After Me)
14 Long Nights (The Feeling They Call The Blues)
15 That Evil Child
16 I Got Some Help (I Don't Really Need) (aka Outside Help)
17 The Thrill Is Gone
18 Guess Who?

Disc 2: DVD
Sing Sing Thanksgiving - The Documentary Of B.B. King's Legendary 1972 Thanksgiving Concert At Sing Sing Prison

B.B.King voz, guitarra

Fecha de edición: abril de 2016