1 Every day I have a blues
2 B. B. Blues
3 The woman I love
4 The other night blues
5 Please accept my love
6 Three o´clock blues
7 Ten long years
8 Don´t you want a man like me
9 You know I go for you
10 Mistreated woman
11 Sweet little angel
12 Why did you leave me
13 Jump with you baby
14 Fine looking woman
15 Early in the morning
16 Blind love
17 Did you ever love a woman
18 Take a swing with me
19 You upset me baby
20 She´s dynamite
21 Whole lotta´ love
22 You didn´t want me
23 Days of old

B.B.King guitarra voz

Fecha de edición: junio de 2012

B. B. King - Legacy - CD

$7.89 USD
B. B. King - Legacy - CD $7.89 USD
Entregas para el CP:

Opciones de envío

  • Casa Mundus Moreno 1157 timbre "B", Monserrat, CABA - Argentina. - Lunes, martes y viernes de 10hs a 13hs. y miércoles y jueves de 11hs a 16hs

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1 Every day I have a blues
2 B. B. Blues
3 The woman I love
4 The other night blues
5 Please accept my love
6 Three o´clock blues
7 Ten long years
8 Don´t you want a man like me
9 You know I go for you
10 Mistreated woman
11 Sweet little angel
12 Why did you leave me
13 Jump with you baby
14 Fine looking woman
15 Early in the morning
16 Blind love
17 Did you ever love a woman
18 Take a swing with me
19 You upset me baby
20 She´s dynamite
21 Whole lotta´ love
22 You didn´t want me
23 Days of old

B.B.King guitarra voz

Fecha de edición: junio de 2012