1 The Thrill Is Gone 5:00
2 How Blue Can You Get 3:24
3 Payin' The Cost To Be The Boss 2:36
4 Everyday I Have The Blues 4:52
5 Sweet Little Sixteen 4:18
6 The Other Night Blues 3:34
7 The Evil Child 3:51
8 Mr. Pawnbroker 3:14
9 Swing Low Sweet Chariot 2:08
10 It's My Own Fault 3:34
11 The Letter 3:28
12 Catfish Blues 2:26
13 Long Nights 3:32
14 B.B Boogie 3:17
15 Caldonia 3:26
16 Sweet little angel 5:56
17 All Over Again 6:58
18 B.B.' Theme 10:49

B.B. King voz, guitarra

Fecha de edición: 2014

B. B. King - King of Kings - CD

$5.89 USD
B. B. King - King of Kings - CD $5.89 USD
Entregas para el CP:

Opciones de envío

  • Casa Mundus Moreno 1157 timbre "B", Monserrat, CABA - Argentina. - Lunes, martes y viernes de 10hs a 13hs. y miércoles y jueves de 11hs a 16hs

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Tus datos cuidados durante toda la compra.
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1 The Thrill Is Gone 5:00
2 How Blue Can You Get 3:24
3 Payin' The Cost To Be The Boss 2:36
4 Everyday I Have The Blues 4:52
5 Sweet Little Sixteen 4:18
6 The Other Night Blues 3:34
7 The Evil Child 3:51
8 Mr. Pawnbroker 3:14
9 Swing Low Sweet Chariot 2:08
10 It's My Own Fault 3:34
11 The Letter 3:28
12 Catfish Blues 2:26
13 Long Nights 3:32
14 B.B Boogie 3:17
15 Caldonia 3:26
16 Sweet little angel 5:56
17 All Over Again 6:58
18 B.B.' Theme 10:49

B.B. King voz, guitarra

Fecha de edición: 2014