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Hernán Merlo
The Stone Flower ballet en 2 actos
Compositor: Sergei Prokofiev (1891 - 1953)
Obra escrita entre 1948 y 1950
Esta basada en un cuento del folklore ruso del mismo nombre de Pavel Bazhov y es el último de la trilogía de ballets tradicionales rusos escritos por Prokofiev.
1 The Mistress of the Copper Mountain
2 Danilo and his work
Act I
Scene 1
3 Danilo in search of the flower
4 Danilo meets his fellow villagers
5 Scene and Duet of Katerina and Danilo
6 Interlude
Scene 2
7 Round Dance
8 Katerina bids farewell to her friends
9 The Girls´ Dance
10 Danilo´s Dance
11 The unmarried men´s dance
12 Severyan´s Dance
13 Altercation over the malachite vase
14 Scene of Katerina and Danilo
15 Danilo´s Meditation
Scene 3
16 Danilo enticed away by the Mistress of the Mountain
Act II
Scene 4
17 The Mistress shows Danilo the treasures of the earth
18 Duet of the Mistress and Danilo
19 Scene and Waltz of the Diamonds
20 Dance of the Russian precious stones
21 Waltz
22 Danilo´s Monologue and the Mistress´ Reply
23 The Mistress shows Danilo the stone flower
24 Severyan and the Workers; The Mistress\\\' Warning
Scene 5
25 Scene and Katerina´s Dance
26 Severyan´s Arrival
27 ´Where are you, sweet Danilo?´
28 The Appearance of the Mistress; Katerina´s Joy
Scene 6
29 Ural Rhapsody
30 Interlude
31 Russian Dance
Scene 7
32 Gypsy Dance
33 Severyan´s Dance
34 Solo of the Gypsy Girl and Coda
35 Katerina´s Appearance and Severyan´s Rage
36 The Appearance of the Mistress and Scene of Severyan transfixed to the earth
37 Severyan follows the Mistress
38 Severyan dies
Scene 8
39 Katerina sits by the fire and yearns for Danilo
40 Scene and Dance of Katerina and the skipping of the Fire Spirits
41 Katerina follows the Fire Spirits
42 Dialogue of Katerina and the Mistress
43 Danilo turned to stone
44 The Joy of the Meeting of Katerina and Danilo
45 The Mistress presents gifts to Katerina and Danilo
46 Epilogue
Yuri Grigorovich coreografía
Aleksandr Gulyaev bailarín solista (Danila)
Anna Polikarpova bailarina solista (Katerina)
Tatiana Terekhova bailarina solista (Queen of the Copper Mountain)
Gennady Babanin bailarín solista (Severian, a Bailiff)
Irina Chistyakova bailarina solista (Fire - fairy)
Artistas y Cuerpo de baile de The Kirov Ballet
Maryinsky Theatre Orchestra
Alexandre Viliumanis dirección
Colin Nears dirección de filmación
Extensión de la grabación: 110 minutos
Fecha de edición: setiembre de 2005
The Stone Flower - Prokofiev - The Kirov Ballet - DVD
The Stone Flower ballet en 2 actos
Compositor: Sergei Prokofiev (1891 - 1953)
Obra escrita entre 1948 y 1950
Esta basada en un cuento del folklore ruso del mismo nombre de Pavel Bazhov y es el último de la trilogía de ballets tradicionales rusos escritos por Prokofiev.
1 The Mistress of the Copper Mountain
2 Danilo and his work
Act I
Scene 1
3 Danilo in search of the flower
4 Danilo meets his fellow villagers
5 Scene and Duet of Katerina and Danilo
6 Interlude
Scene 2
7 Round Dance
8 Katerina bids farewell to her friends
9 The Girls´ Dance
10 Danilo´s Dance
11 The unmarried men´s dance
12 Severyan´s Dance
13 Altercation over the malachite vase
14 Scene of Katerina and Danilo
15 Danilo´s Meditation
Scene 3
16 Danilo enticed away by the Mistress of the Mountain
Act II
Scene 4
17 The Mistress shows Danilo the treasures of the earth
18 Duet of the Mistress and Danilo
19 Scene and Waltz of the Diamonds
20 Dance of the Russian precious stones
21 Waltz
22 Danilo´s Monologue and the Mistress´ Reply
23 The Mistress shows Danilo the stone flower
24 Severyan and the Workers; The Mistress\\\' Warning
Scene 5
25 Scene and Katerina´s Dance
26 Severyan´s Arrival
27 ´Where are you, sweet Danilo?´
28 The Appearance of the Mistress; Katerina´s Joy
Scene 6
29 Ural Rhapsody
30 Interlude
31 Russian Dance
Scene 7
32 Gypsy Dance
33 Severyan´s Dance
34 Solo of the Gypsy Girl and Coda
35 Katerina´s Appearance and Severyan´s Rage
36 The Appearance of the Mistress and Scene of Severyan transfixed to the earth
37 Severyan follows the Mistress
38 Severyan dies
Scene 8
39 Katerina sits by the fire and yearns for Danilo
40 Scene and Dance of Katerina and the skipping of the Fire Spirits
41 Katerina follows the Fire Spirits
42 Dialogue of Katerina and the Mistress
43 Danilo turned to stone
44 The Joy of the Meeting of Katerina and Danilo
45 The Mistress presents gifts to Katerina and Danilo
46 Epilogue
Yuri Grigorovich coreografía
Aleksandr Gulyaev bailarín solista (Danila)
Anna Polikarpova bailarina solista (Katerina)
Tatiana Terekhova bailarina solista (Queen of the Copper Mountain)
Gennady Babanin bailarín solista (Severian, a Bailiff)
Irina Chistyakova bailarina solista (Fire - fairy)
Artistas y Cuerpo de baile de The Kirov Ballet
Maryinsky Theatre Orchestra
Alexandre Viliumanis dirección
Colin Nears dirección de filmación
Extensión de la grabación: 110 minutos
Fecha de edición: setiembre de 2005
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