1 Magical Mystery Tour
2 The Fool On The Hill
3 Flying
4 I am The Walrus
5 Blue Jay Way and Your Mother Should Know
6 Director´s commentary by Paul McCartney
7 The Making of Magical Mystery Tour
8 Rngo The Actor
9 Meet The Supporting Cast
10 Your Mother Should Know
11 Blue Jay Way
12 The Fool in The Hill
13 Hello, Goodbye From `Top of The Pop´s 1967
14 Nat´s Dream
15 I´m going in a Field by Ivor Cutler
16 Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush by Traf

The Beatles
John Lennon voz, guitarras acústica y eléctrica, armónica, piano, clavicordio, órgano, clavioline, Mellotron, maracas, tambourine, tape loops
George Harrison voz, guitarra, violín, armónica, órgano Hammond, timpani, congas, firebell, tambourine, tabla
Paul McCartney voz, guitarra, flauta, recorder, piano, bajos acústico y eléctrico, bongos, congas
Ringo Starr voz, batería, maracas, tambourine, címbalos, tape loops

Fecha de edición: 2012

The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour - Blu-ray

$78.98 USD
The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour - Blu-ray $78.98 USD
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Medios de envío

  • Casa Mundus Moreno 1157 timbre "B", Monserrat, CABA - Argentina. - Lunes, martes y viernes de 10hs a 13hs. y miércoles y jueves de 11hs a 16hs

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1 Magical Mystery Tour
2 The Fool On The Hill
3 Flying
4 I am The Walrus
5 Blue Jay Way and Your Mother Should Know
6 Director´s commentary by Paul McCartney
7 The Making of Magical Mystery Tour
8 Rngo The Actor
9 Meet The Supporting Cast
10 Your Mother Should Know
11 Blue Jay Way
12 The Fool in The Hill
13 Hello, Goodbye From `Top of The Pop´s 1967
14 Nat´s Dream
15 I´m going in a Field by Ivor Cutler
16 Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush by Traf

The Beatles
John Lennon voz, guitarras acústica y eléctrica, armónica, piano, clavicordio, órgano, clavioline, Mellotron, maracas, tambourine, tape loops
George Harrison voz, guitarra, violín, armónica, órgano Hammond, timpani, congas, firebell, tambourine, tabla
Paul McCartney voz, guitarra, flauta, recorder, piano, bajos acústico y eléctrico, bongos, congas
Ringo Starr voz, batería, maracas, tambourine, címbalos, tape loops

Fecha de edición: 2012