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Music Books
Pictures at an Exhibition - Orchestrated by Maurice Ravel
Compositor: Modest Mussorgsky (1839 - 1881)
Obra escrita en 1874 (versión orquestada en 1922)
1 Promenade 1:53
2 Gnomus 2:49
3 Promenade 1:04
4 The Old Castle 5:27
5 Promenade 0:33
6 The Tuileries Gardens 1:01
7 Bydlo 2:55
8 Promenade 0:48
9 Ballet of the Chickens in Their Shells 1:14
10 Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle 2:33
11 The Market-place at Limoges 1:19
12 The Catacombs (Sepulchrum romanum) 2:08
13 Cum mortuis in lingua mortua 2:33
14 The Hut on Fowl´s Legs (Baba-Yaga) 3:40
15 The Great Gate of Kiev
16 A Night on the Bare Mountain 11.17
Compositor: Modest Mussorgsky ( 1839 - 1881)
Obra escrita en 1866
Valses nobles et sentimentales - for Orchestra
Compositor Maurice Ravel (1875 - 1937)
Obra escrita en 1911
17 I. Modéré - très franc 1:20
18 II. Assez lent 3:07
19 III. Modéré 1:52
20 IV. Assez animé 1:44
21 V. Presque lent - dans un sentiment intime 1:23
22 VI. Assez vif 1:00
23 VII. Moins vif 3:31
24 VIII. Epilogue (Lent) 4:57
New York Philharmonic
Giuseppe Sinopoli dirección
Grabado en Manhattan Center, New York City, en diciembre de 1989
Pictures at an Exhibition - Mussorgsky / Ravel: Valses nobles et sentimentales - New York Philharmonic / Giuseppe Sinopoli - CD
Pictures at an Exhibition - Orchestrated by Maurice Ravel
Compositor: Modest Mussorgsky (1839 - 1881)
Obra escrita en 1874 (versión orquestada en 1922)
1 Promenade 1:53
2 Gnomus 2:49
3 Promenade 1:04
4 The Old Castle 5:27
5 Promenade 0:33
6 The Tuileries Gardens 1:01
7 Bydlo 2:55
8 Promenade 0:48
9 Ballet of the Chickens in Their Shells 1:14
10 Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle 2:33
11 The Market-place at Limoges 1:19
12 The Catacombs (Sepulchrum romanum) 2:08
13 Cum mortuis in lingua mortua 2:33
14 The Hut on Fowl´s Legs (Baba-Yaga) 3:40
15 The Great Gate of Kiev
16 A Night on the Bare Mountain 11.17
Compositor: Modest Mussorgsky ( 1839 - 1881)
Obra escrita en 1866
Valses nobles et sentimentales - for Orchestra
Compositor Maurice Ravel (1875 - 1937)
Obra escrita en 1911
17 I. Modéré - très franc 1:20
18 II. Assez lent 3:07
19 III. Modéré 1:52
20 IV. Assez animé 1:44
21 V. Presque lent - dans un sentiment intime 1:23
22 VI. Assez vif 1:00
23 VII. Moins vif 3:31
24 VIII. Epilogue (Lent) 4:57
New York Philharmonic
Giuseppe Sinopoli dirección
Grabado en Manhattan Center, New York City, en diciembre de 1989
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